Dental Implants

dental implant pune
Microdent Dentistry®

Dental Implants In Kothrud, Pune

Dental implants are a popular option for replacing missing teeth and offering patients a natural-looking smile. Dental implants can improve the appearance of your smile with a natural look. If you are looking for dentures, need dental implants in Ware, Pune, dental implants cost in Pune, dental implants near me, Pune, dental implants in kothrud, Pune or any other oral surgery, Microdent Dentistry Discoloration of tooth is the right place. Microdent Dentistry® is one of the famous dental implant clinic in Pune for regaining your natural tooth as well as your smile. Microdent Dentistry is an approachable and affordable dental implant center in Pune committed to giving you the smile you deserve. We offer a wide range of dental treatments for all your needs.

Microdent Dentistry is a trusted dental clinic in Swargate, Pune. We offer a wide range of services from tooth extraction to implant dentures and other cosmetic procedures. At Microdent Dentistry, we’re committed to providing high-quality dental implants in
Mukund Nagar, Pune at a price you can afford. We make sure you’re a happy customer by giving you the best service possible and getting your teeth healthy again!

Dr. Kashmira Joshi is a well-known Dental Surgeon and Implantologists in Pune. She has placed many implants with the highest success rate. If you are looking for dental implant specialist in pune or the cheapest dental implants in Pune, Then visit our clinic. Our best dentists look forward to regaining your natural tooth with affordable dental implant treatment.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental Implants are the most effective, safe, and permanent solution for teeth replacement. Dental Implants act as the root of the missing tooth. Dental Implants are surgically placed in the jawbones and are not visible once they are used. Though technology in dentistry has made dental care a lot easier, millions still suffer tooth loss due to tooth decay, trauma, injury, periodontal disease, or the disease of the gums. The only options in the past to replace the missing tooth were bridges and dentures. But with the progress in dental science, people can replace their missing teeth with dental implants. 

Dental implants are the artificial tooth root built in the shape of a screw. Usually, a Dental Implant is divided into three segments. The three main components of dental implants are the implant post or screw, the abutment, and the prosthesis.

  • Implant post: The Implants Post (also known as a screw) is placed into the jawbone by using a surgical procedure.
  • Implant Abutment: An abutment is a small object that acts as a connection between the implant post and crown or other dental restoration.
  • Implant Prosthesis: Prosthesis act as your natural teeth. It can be a crown, Bridge, or denture.
dental implant pune

A strong and lightweight material called Titanium is generally used for making implants. These dental implants are surgically placed into your jawbone to mount the replacement tooth or bridge onto them. They provide a sturdy foundation for the replacement or artificial tooth, which is made in a variety of colors and materials so that it matches with the color of your gums and looks natural.

Why a Dental Implant is Needed Kothrud, Pune?

Dental implants are the gift of modern dentistry to Mankind. They are the best alternatives to replace a single tooth, several or all of
your teeth. Whether you need the dental implant or not will be identified by conducting a preliminary clinical assessment.
Dental Implant Step by Step Procedure If you’re considering replace a missing tooth, here are some more steps includes in the dental implants procedure.

Step 1 – Primary Evaluation

Implantologist will evaluate your mouth to see if you’re eligible for a dental implant. Dentist May ask for Digital X-ray. a dentist may ask for
your medical history. After All assessment, Implantologist will discuss a treatment plan with you.

Step 2 – Bone Grafts

For Successful dental implants treatment, you will need healthy jaw bone material to place a dental implant. Your dentist may recommend a
bone graft. The bone Grafting process involves removing a piece of bone from another part of the patient’s jaw and transplanting it into the
site where the implant going to be placed. Also, different types of bone graft materials are available that can be placed. After the bone
grafting process, Your mouth will require time to heal before the implant is placed.

Step 3 – Implant Placement

Next, your dentist will place the dental implant and temporary crown. Holes are drilled into the bone to placed the screw. This screw acts as
the base for the whole prosthesis.

Step 4 – Healing Process

Before permanent crowns can be placed, your mouth requires time to heal. this healing process may take serval month.

Step 5 – Abutment and Crown

After the healing process, Dentist will remove your temporary crown and attach an abutment to the dental implant. You may need surgery to place the abutment. After, the crown will fit onto the Abutment. Crown act as an artificial tooth.

Types of Dental Implants

There are three common types of dental implants i.e Endosteal, subperiosteal, and zygomatic.

Endosteal Implants:Endosteal implants are the safest and most common type of dental implant. They are suitable for most patients but, they require a healthy
and good amount of jawbone for the post to fuse to.

Subperiosteal Implants: Another type of dental implant is Subperiosteal Implants. This is the main option for Endosteal Implants. subperiosteal implants rest on top of the bone but still under the gum.

Zygomatic Implants: Zygomatic Implants is placed if you don’t have enough jawbone for the Endosteal implant. The implant is placed in the patient’s cheekbone instead of the jawbone. Zygomatic Implants is very complex and rarely used.

Success Rate of Dental Implants:

Ever since the American Dental Association has endorsed implants in 1986, there is a humongous rise in implant procedures worldwide. While the success rate of implants depends on their placement in the jaw, studies have found 98% of success rate in their surgical placement, and mounting of a false tooth onto them.

Advantages of Dental Implants

Choosing dental implants for a tooth replacement has several advantages.

  • Dental implants are fused into the jawbone and hence, they provide a permanent solution for tooth replacement as well as give the appearance and feel of a natural tooth.
  • You don’t have to worry about your denture getting slipped and causing trouble while speaking. Dental implants check all the parameters of comfort and convenience.
  • If the dentures are not fitted properly, they might slide and make chewing food difficult. You will have no such problem with dental implants and can enjoy your food like you did with your original tooth.
  • Dental implants greatly improve your self-esteem since you can feel better and smile confidently as they are embedded in your jawbone. One of the best advantages of dental implants is their durability. They can easily last for a lifetime with good care.

Microdent Dentistry, located in Pune, provides dental implant services across various areas find Dentist Kothrud, Karve Nagar, Deccan, Parvati, Swargate, Erandwane, Warje, Bavdhan, Paud Road, Shivaji Nagar, and FC Road. The cost of a single tooth dental implant in these regions ranges from Rs.15,000 to Rs.30,000, while full mouth dental implants vary between Rs.1,00,000 to Rs.3,00,000. Prices are influenced by factors such as location, procedure complexity, and materials used. For precise cost estimates, it’s recommended to schedule a consultation with our experienced dental professionals. Contact Microdent Dentistry at +91 7264008000 or +91 9021681032.

Why Choose Microdent Dentistry for Dental Implants in Kothrud, Pune?

At Microdent Dentistry, we have a proven track record of Successful dental Implants with a 99.6% Success rate.
Team of Best Dentists Near Me/Kothrud and Years of Combined Dental Implant Experience.

Dental Implants Cost in Kothrud, Pune

The cost of dental implants depends upon factors such as:

  • The material of implant and components.
  • The number of teeth
  • Tooth crown quality
  • Bone grafting and additional surgeries
  • X-ray or CT scan

Microdent Dentistry Near Me Kothrud in Pune specializes in dental implants, offering expert care and personalized solutions. Book Appointment now at +91 7264008000 for the best cost-effective dental services.

Meet Dr. Kashmira Joshi - Best Dental Implantologist in Kothrud, Pune

Dr. Kashmira Joshi became a dentist at Terna dental college Mumbai, India in 2013. She also completed the course of the dental implant and surgical program, where she was mentored by the highly esteemed Implant surgeon faculty.
Dr. Kashmira Joshi has been practicing as an Implantologist in Kothrud, Pune for over 5 years. She has placed 200+ successful Dental Implants to date. She has experience in various dental implants treatment such as bone grafting, bone augmentation, sinus lifts, same-day teeth implants, and other advanced dental implant techniques.
She always explains all aspects of Dental implant treatment thoroughly. and hence this gentle and calm nature makes her the best implantologist in Kothrud Pune. Know More about Dr Kashmira Joshi.

Frequently Asked Questions

The dental implant is done in one day. it can take 1 to 2 hours per implant.

During the surgery, you don’t feel any pain because a local anaesthetic is used. but after the surgery, you may feel some pain at the implant site. Dental implant aftercare is essential to avoid pain after dental implant surgery. You can watch video to know how to take precautions after surgery. In this video, Dr. Kashmira Joshi has given some instructions and explained how to take precautions at the site of your implant.

Single tooth dental implants cost in Pune is estimated to range from Rs. 15,000 to Rs.30,000. This cost involves the cost of implant, abutment and the implant crown.

Comparing the implant and bridges, implants last longer where bridges have a lifespan of around 10 years. also, Implants support jaw health. Your bone stays healthy and strong that why implants are better than bridges. Learn More about Dental Implants VS.Dental Bridges.

Dental implants are suitable for those whose jaws are completely grown. The kid’s jaw is not completely grown that why the pediatric dentist never recommends dental implants for kids.

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