Common Dental Problems and the Best Way to Treat Them on Warje

Common Dental Problems and the Best Way to Treat Them on Warje

Today we are going to see the most common dental problems occur in adults’ Are you looking for a dentist near me? Visit Microdent Dentistry Clinic for quality dental care. Contact us at +91 7264008000. The oral cavity & Teeth are an integral part of the digestive system. Keeping them healthy directly helps to maintain their overall health of well-being. In our practice, we come across different types of patients with different types of dental problems. Let’s discuss some of them today.

1. Foul odor and bad breath:-

This is a widespread complaint among many individuals. It happens mainly due to inappropriate cleaning of teeth.
As we know, there is an accumulation of thin biofilm on teeth, called “plaque”. This plaque consists of macro organisms and their byproducts. When we brush our teeth, this plaque is removed and teeth become clean. But if brushing is not done properly, this plaque remains adhered to teeth which leads to a foul smell / bad breath. After a few days and weeks, this plaque gets calcified and forms stony, hard calculus which is extremely difficult to remove from the teeth surface. Calculus causes inflammation of gums and loss of supporting bone. Inflammation of gums leads to bleeding and bone loss leads to the mobility of teeth. All this unhygienic environment inside the mouth leads to bad breath and foul odor.


  1. Treatment includes complete scaling and deep root planing of all teeth.
    With ultrasonic devices, the dentist removes the calculus and cleans all surfaces of teeth.
    Many times, during scaling and root planning bleeding may occur.
  2. Instructions for oral hygiene care:-
  • Brush your teeth twice a day. Every morning and every night before sleep.
  • Always use a soft brush to clean your teeth.
  • Change your brush after every three months.
  • Follow proper brushing techniques to clean teeth. Remember, it’s not the quality of the brush that matters, it’s the technique that matters the most.
  • Use of mouthwash, in some cases, dentists advise the use of mouthwash for a specific period.
  • Follow-up after every 6 months is mandatory to avoid further complications.

2. Pain in Tooth/Teeth Best Dental Clinic Warje

The most common reason people visit the dentist is Pain and sensitivity in teeth. The intensity of pain varies from mild, dull pain to severe throbbing pain. Sometimes there is sensitivity to hot, sweet, and cold. Food lodgement between teeth is also one of the factors for pain. Why there is sudden pain in the tooth? Let’s understand the anatomy of the tooth first

A Tooth Consists of 3 Parts Best Dental Clinic Warje

  1. Enamel is the outermost, and strongest layer of the tooth. It is made from hydroxyapatite crystals which are stronger than bone
  2. Dentine is the inner layer. It’s soft compared to enamel and is made up of dentinal tubules. Which contains nerve fibersThe innermost part is the vital pulp which consists of blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissues.

When decay starts, it degenerates the enamel layer. During this phase, there is no pain associated with the tooth. But black spots appear on the teeth. It is the right time to remove the decay and fill the cavity. If left untreated, it progresses to Dentine. Dentine is soft, so decay reaches a pulp in no time. And the first symptom appears.
Pulp tissue contains nerve fibers and when decay reaches these nerves, the patient starts having pain as the decay along with microorganisms reaches a pulp, pain increases. And becomes unbearable for the patient. At this juncture, the patient reports to the dental clinic for treatment.


After thorough investigation, examination, and X-ray, the dentist assesses the cause of pain. Locate the affected tooth and advise treatment like root canal treatment which is usually followed by a crown. Sometimes, the tooth is non-restorable and needs to remove the tooth to stop the pain. But with the most advanced technology and techniques, we usually save most of the teeth by root canal treatment.

3. Third Molar Pain Warje

Third molars are the last teeth to erupt inside the mouth. Third molars Warje erupt at and after the age of 25 years. And mostly they erupt in small spaces, or no space and cause severe sudden pain. The pain starts suddenly and involves the jaw, cheeks, neck, and even head. Pain radiates from the angle of the jaw and goes down to the neck and half part of the head. Pain is usually severe and accompanies the swelling. The patient is unable to chew or even not able to drink any liquid.


After a complete examination and full mouth implant oralpantomograph ( OPG ) X-ray, the third molars are removed.
The treatment may involve surgery, depending upon the angulation of the tooth, its anatomy, and the approximation of underlying anatomical structures.

There are some other dental problems like aesthetics, phonetics, and soft tissue ulcerations.

We always advise our patients to come for a dental check-up every six months to avoid future complications and major treatments. As we know ” prevention is better than cure ”

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Are you looking for a dentist near me? Visit Microdent Dentistry Clinic for quality dental care. Contact us at +91 7264008000.

Visit our website Microdent Dentistry® for more information about dental health and hygiene. 

For an appointment,t you can always contact Microdent Dentistry.

Address: Ground Floor, block 4, Sarvadarshan Housing Society Opposite. Saraswat Bank, Nal Stop, Karve Road, Kothrud, Pune, Maharashtra 411004

Contact Us: tel:7264008000 tel:9021681032

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